
Category: AI Updates

09 December

As one of the most widely debated and coveted topics, the discussion on whether Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be regulated will remain for many years to come. Since its inception back in 1956 at a Dartmouth College conference [1] and with ChatGPT (Chat Pre-Trained Generative Transformer) dominating the headlines since its unveiling just over a […]

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02 December

AI platforms for small businesses Artificial intelligence (AI) technology are revolutionizing small businesses by streamlining operations and boosting productivity. In this article, I will explore the top AI platforms that small businesses can leverage to enhance their strategies. By incorporating these AI tools into their workflow, small businesses can benefit from increased efficiency, personalized customer […]

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21 October

In the digital era, the landscape of business transformation is rapidly evolving, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the forefront, steering this change. Understanding and leveraging AI tools is no longer a futuristic concept but a necessary stride in today’s competitive market. Key Takeaways As we reach the culmination of our comprehensive guide on AI tools, […]

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